Month One Commences

6 Jan 2011

If I were a good blogger- I'd have made my first post of the year on the 3rd January just like I said I would, but due to some serious unfortunate napping.. my tardiness is seeping through to 2011!    Should I still greet you with a Happeee New Year!!?   It's only right if I do!  Let’s rock 2011 shall we? and coincidentally this 500th post! Here’s to a year filled with: friends, fun, love, laughter, adventure, possibilities, and lots and lots of funkdafied art' music' movies' events' and avant-garde shenanigans !

This au courant year, I've been itching to refresh the look of my blog, I was tempted to take on a whole new blogging platform and design and code the blog personally, but I had to honestly take into consideration time-constraints. I didn't want to end up commencing this project half-heartedly, hence alternatively I updated my blog header and icons with some restiff. My additional novelty is the music pad at the bottom, added on a whim, it will pop up when I feel the desire to share some songs, this is as a result of my conscious effort to personalise my blog, so you know a tad more about this Guilty Hyena. 0_0
I'm truly glad I had a buzzing Christmas with the family, especially sharing the festive season for the first time with my lovable grandmother.  

 Cheers to a whole new year of brouhaha and all sorts of wunderbar! x 
Non Je Ne Regrette Rien - Edith Piaf, appropriate and empowering for my first post of the New Year. I hope it inspires you to start 2011 with no regrets.


  1. Glad to see your back ;) Happy New Year's. that's one stylish header you've conjured up, I can see you're quite the creative.


  2. Happy New Year!! Hun but best leave the music pad alone, with your music tastes. d-_-b

  3. @Gigolo hmm that would make sense, if you didn't continuously borrow my Ipod! for it's play-list, I might add. ;)

  4. Love the new header and icons :) I don't really think you need a whole new layout ;)
    And a very happy new year to you :)

  5. Thank you Anjj! Hope you enjoyed the holiday season! hope you didn't have too many Law essays to complete :)

  6. I'm so glad you're back! And 500 posts?! That's incredible! I'm still in the 200's :) Were you thinking of changing to WP? You woud love it there! But I hear you on it being time consuming. I want to move to a self hosted site because there's a lot of codes that WP blocks that I would like to use, but it'll have to wait until everything else quites down a bit more. I can't wait to see more and learn about one very special Hyena! Here's to a great new year!!!

  7. happy new year!! :D

    No regrets here! Even though I went bananas on some sales offer I got ;))

  8. Cheer's Maddy, was also thinking of self hosting in order to use better plugin's, but I didn't want to jump into yet, plus I'll lose my advertising bonuses for now.

    Not so special Hyena! haha I notably aren't comfortable enough to use my own name, let alone share anything interesting about myself! :)

  9. Congrat's to you're 500th Post!!!

    You're blog is my fave. Please do share more about and you don't be shy! Glad to hear you had a good Christmas and here's to a great year!! x



All rights reserved © The Guilty Hyena + Taste is the enemy of creativeness +

Created since 2010