Phillip Lim Transformable Vest

19 Apr 2012

Most children and the men young at heart, are captivated by the cars that transform themselves into life size robots, like transformers. You can see why they're so captivating. So it's not a shot in the dark to suggest these Phillip Lim transformable multifunctional vest's are ab-so-lute-ly the bee's knees .. Phillip Lim signature style has already won him cult status in the world of contemporary fashion, the drawstring neck alone is genius! I will have to file these under 'things I want but will never have', but it doesn't matter because it always feels cathartic sharing it here. 

Play between form and function. Sleeveless jacket that transforms into a backpack. Drawstring neck, Flap pockets, and zip-front detailing.

Images courtesy of Lane Crawford & 31PhillipLim  


  1. Well although I’m sure the price tag will definitely destroy the bank account, I am so in love with these backpacks moonlighting as vests !!

    P.S I love your posts !! though I'm usually a lurker.

  2. These are slaying me, all three are equally tremendous .. I LOVE goofy backpacks.

    I have a confession I've never really enjoyed the transformers movie after the initial action pack sequence.. I become bored!

    But the above I adore, very functional for the adventurous woman.

  3. I think this is just genius. I'm sure I could not afford a bag or vest. Still, I would gladly give my saving to own this.

  4. This unique dress with a pair of designer sunglasses will be so cool!

  5. That's too cool!! What will they come up with next? :)



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