Kokeshi Matches

23 May 2012

Kokeshi ( Japanese Dolls ) + Matches = high levels of dainty pieces of adorableness, but I would be sad to set them alight. I could never strike that little panda face to light the match!! These matches may look child friendly but okay kids you can't be handling these. Frame them .. hang them on the walls .. or use them. 

Fragmented Chronical RINGS

A collection of 100 rings, each with a landscape frozen inside created by Hong Kong-based design duo Chan Oi yau Riyo and Kwong Ho Sun Howard from Shannnam. Like something in between miniature art and a snow globe. Each is a visual tale invoking a reaction and stirring the imagination of the wearer, portraying the world as it should be, filled with love and mystery, inspiring and eye-catching.

Completely handmade available online at Shannam .


  1. oh my goodness.. this post overdoses on the delectable + delicate miniature art.


  2. too stinkin' cute! are the matches and the rings are MAGICAL !!

    Absolutely love your blog so glad I stumbled across it. :D


    1. Thanks so much for your very kind comment Fern, I truly appreciate the visit!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What a great fusion of art and jewellery - I love it! X

  5. How could you ever use such cute matches! And love the rings, I have a ring-obsession I think...

  6. omg kokeshi matches - I die <3 so adorable. Exploding right now haha



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