Dekkori Launch Online Shop

2 Dec 2009

Footwear Adornments at the Tip of your Fingers 

Dekkori have now newly launched their on-line shop! better break out those credit cards, or for the good sensible folks, your tiny sum of savings! Plus, Christmas is coming up. There is the new Holiday Collection. I'm looking forward to owning a few of my very own Dekkori shoe accessories so I can wear them with all various shoes that I own, and maybe accessorize the few shoes I have stored up in my attic!  

Dekkori Shoe

16 Nov 2009

D e k k o r i Flats Pumps Wedges 

Dekkori is this fabulous new line of shoe accessories, Yesssss shoe accessories...that can be used to update an existing pair of shoes and make them look like a whole new style. d e k k o r i footwear styling pieces are a must for any modern style maven. Transform your favorite pair of flats/pumps/wedges into a whole new style. 

a line of shoe accessories priced from ($45 to $160) each piece incorporates  signature design details such as hidden snap closures and hooks or strategically placed elastics and fasteners that work to create the illusion that each is part of the shoe it is worn with. The only down side is, there are only a few retailers which stock this line, but if needs must they're's always a way. 

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