Suntantoos - temporary suntan tattoo

21 Aug 2012

I am some what, a creature of change with style clothes and hair, this is why I made a conscious decision to not have a tattoo as I know after a while I would begin to dislike it or become indifferent to it, which would really be hellacious since tattoos are pretty permanent. I enjoy using henna tattoos for an occasion but have never come across a suntan tattoo before, up until now.  

SunTanToos are temporary tantoos you get while tanning at the beach. But these are no ordinary "tanning bed" stickers, but large, custom tantoos you can design.

London-based artist-designer Dariusz Boron recently put up a funding campaign on Indiegogo for SunTanToos. Offering printed body decorations in the nature of decalcomania; paper patches to block the sun and create patterns on the skin, creating the look like the above. Would you try a Suntantoo ? 

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