There Came A Pause

29 Mar 2010

Nathalie van Wageningen
There came a pause, a hiatus longer than I expected!..My inevitable tardiness came into the fray. Beginning ish of March turned into End of March. Mostly work, some holiday. In the middle of it all, I kept writing in my head, but none of it made its way to my blog. 

Thank you for all the comments and to the emails I received :) I genuinely really appreciate them, and now having some time away from this blog, I realised It’s just kind of become one of those things, I'm a private person ....then why do I blog? I must be a masochist! right, I am always pushing myself to dragoon this blog to be more personal. And I'm going to be working on it :) 

Starting From Now- I thought I'll share with you a few things since on hiatus concerning this blog, I was kindly invited to participate in a Reebok EasyTone trial, many women bloggers apart from myself have been invited to be apart of their campaign, by receiving EasyTone shoes and reviewing them as a product. Apparently these trainers are supposed to improve the muscle tone in the hamstrings, calves and glutes. It's probably a good incentive to test these out and at least get a good workout in the process. 

Look forward to sharing some new tasty collections, I received via email, and maybe some guest blogging here and there. 

I'm taking in the aroma of fresh slightly wet cut grass, while I type, Spring seems to be in the air, chocolate bunnies around the corner, longer days of sunshine and rooftop bars and maybe just a few more additional new items to the wardrobe. I'm zipped up, to get some funkdafied inspiration from the usual blogging haunts. 

Oh and even with the long hiatus, I have still not got round to watching Alice in Wonderland...

 Hope your all well, Mucho Love to Readers, Lurkers, Anons. 


  1. It's really good to have you back, missed your posts, hope you had a good hiatus!

    I kno, I haven't watched Alice in Wonderland either. ;D

  2. i love the dress and socks i want those socks!
    and welcome back :3

  3. omg yay I'm so glad you're posting again (:
    congrats for the invitation to participate in Reebok's EasyTone trial

    and don't feel bad for not have seen Alice in Wonderland yet, I haven't seen it yet either T^T

    love the necklace in the pic btw (:

  4. It's so good to have you back, I've missed reading your blog! Hope you had a good break :)



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