How about watching a Movie Tonight?

17 Nov 2010

A: I Saw the Devil 

Brutal Stylish Thriller with Filmaker Kim Jee-Woon at the helm

One of the highly regarded actors in my eyes as-well as others Lee Byung Hun, is starring in this movie including Oldboy's prominent actor Choi Min-shik. I'm anticipating Byung Hun is going to bring some high intensity to this stylish moody movie thriller. Don’t know when the English subtitles will become available in my neck of the woods though, hopefully soon over the coming weeks.

B: 127 Hours   

Raw and harrowing movie by Director Danny Boyle

James Franco, who you'll probably know best from the Spider-man series as, Harry Osbourne is portrayed as mountain climber in this movie, who falls into a Canyon crevasse and get's his arm trapped by a falling boulder *ouch*. I've heard my favourite composer A.R.Rahman has composed some of the background score for this film, teaming up with Danny Boyle again after Slumdog Millionaire. Apparently this movie is not for the squeamish. (cant wait!)

A look at the early years of boxer Irish Micky Ward Directed by David O. Russell

I've been waiting for this one! since I'm a huge aficionado of Christian Bale and I have a feeling this movie is going to live up to my expectations. It seems to have a strong cast with the likes of Amy Adams and Mark Wahlberg, but my eyes will be firmly peeled on Bale who seem's to have lost weight (again) and thinning of hair for this role, looking unrecognisable, showing his usual dedication to a character. 

One I need'nt share with you all is the upcoming release of Harry Potter and the deathly hallows, cant believe that will be nearly all over. I remember being at college and working in a Toy Store when the first Harry Potter was released, at that point I was honestly sick of hearing the Harry Potter theme being played on loop constantly at work! But it made all the little ones excited.

I nearly forgot to share, two movies I just watched recently and recommend to you all are Catfish and Flipped 2010.   


  1. Entertaining upcoming films, the only one I was aware of was the Harry Potter deathly Hallows.

    I also like Christian Bale!

  2. After Leonardo DiCaprio, my second favorite leading man is James Franco! What can I say? I love his scrappy good looks and boyish smile! After watching Pineapple Express, I was hooked on Franco! So I'll definitely be watching 127 Hours!

  3. The fighter seems like a film for the lad's, but I'll be sure to share it with my fella, when it's released.

  4. I must say i annoyed you several times watching the devil film but golly gosh x

  5. @ Gaffa you couldn't help blame the detective for allowing torturous scenes to carry on, but it was goood! :)

    @ Maddy James Franco has great cheek bones, I'm a sucker for anyone with defined cheek bones! obviously the film looks good too!



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