Protest via 4th Amendment Underwear

11 Jan 2011

Now there's a way to protest those intrusive TSA AIRPORT X-ray Body scanners without saying a word.

Before I begin, I'm not going to hide my stance on TSA body scanners! I have concerns that frequent exposure to TSA-operated scanner devices may carry health risks, such as exposure to radiation that may increase the risk of cancers and other health issues. Scanners have not been in operation long enough for an effective study to be performed.- 

My second qualm is the invasive body scans, which certainly don't leave much to the imagination- raising further concerns relating to individual's right to privacy - one that has been increasingly threatened since terrorism became a more immediate problem in recent years. I realise striking the right balance between security and privacy, is a complex affair, though for me personally the balance has been tipped towards security. ~ Though I don't resent those who feel at ease travelling via TSA scanner devices.


The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, meant to prevent unwarranted search and seizure, is readable on TSA body scanners.

The concept behind 4th Amendment Wear is simple: to get a few people to think a little more about their constitutional rights. The creators behind these 4th Amendment undergarments said- 
"It all started when we removed our shoes to go through an X-ray scanner. What a great canvas the top of a pair of socks are - a place to make a statement about the hassles we have to go through to be safe. So printing the 4th amendment on them seemed like a nice way to make a statement - without being a pain in the ass to the already harrowed TSA employees. In fact, many of us approve of and willingly undergo the airport security protocols. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't question whether it's the very best solution."



  1. What a fabulous concept, without being confrontational. Simply put It's No Scan, I not long ago refused, although I was probably one of few who did on that day.

    Nice to hear you're not one of the herd when it comes to this issue.

  2. I hate to hear about stories dealing with the horrors of TSA! My friend recently visited me from Cali and she was so upset just thinking about the possibilities of having to deal with it, but luckily she did not. I like these pieces and, if traveling in the near future, I'll definitely look into them. Great post!


  3. A fantastic concept! though I'll flat out refuse for TSA body scanner, if they become compulsory, I'll definitely start wearing these!!

  4. I haven't had to travel lately, so I'm not sure how I fee about this yet. After hearing of all the tragedies lately, I don't mind the body scans. If it's going to deter some terrorists or drug smugglers, than so be it. But again, I'm not a frequent traveler, so I don't have to go through the scanners or headache of being search often enough that it becomes a hassle.

  5. We live in a dangerous world, but I'm not prepared to surrender my personal rights. I'm with you and dislike body x-rays.

  6. Considering most luggage and freight that goes on the plane does not get scanned then it is questionable how effective body scans are.



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