Mrs Herskin habiliment Heels

3 Mar 2011

Experimental platform shoes by Mrs Herskin, created by designers Hungarian based- Poppre Orsolya and Pasztircsak Larisza. The main activities of Mrs Herskin are the design and execution of original and exclusive accessories.
I forgot to add I was given the opportunity to guest blog for U.K Fashion retailer Misguided- feel free to have a look-see.

Cantillate your wardobe with a swash-buckling military Cape 


  1. these shoes are like a pice of art!

  2. Those shoes are insane but amazing !!!

    Mon Mode Blog

  3. wow amazing! i lvoe the photos and the shoes even more!

  4. Wow! I'm seeing more and more of this style of shoes. I hope they don't put my comfy flats out of business! Not sure how people can walk in this!

  5. yesss! so unique, so high, love them! ode to mcqueen perhaps?

    still loving your view on fashion. so inspirational. keep it coming!




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