Kermit Tesoro Pony Skull

1 Aug 2011

The name 'Kermit' keeps popping up on my tiny watchtower - but it's not of the friendly frog muppet kind! More so a Filipino fashion designer & artist named - Kermit Tesoro, whom in fillipino language could be described as a little 'Krung Krung' with his visionary designs and inspiration. The aesthetics exhibited from his works reflect's a championing of technology and unconventional materials and inclinations towards art science religion and childhood fascinations. These shoes have smack-dab evoked my attraction to pony hair. I highly recommend that you check out his other latest FW 11 clothing collection here .  

Coinciding facts I came across whilst writing this post 

 - 1. Kermit, a given name of Irish origin meaning "without envy or jealousy". 
-  2. The term  'Krung Krung' pertains to crazy, eccentric, uber quirky.


  1. SWOON... giving me tremors impeccable by Kermit!

  2. Strikingly beautiful works of ART!

    Naturally the word Kermit reminds me of Kermit the frog, but with these shoes I'll remember Kermit Tesoro too! ... and hey who knew the name was derived from Ireland :-)

  3. Breathtaking!!!!

    Hereby on my most wanted list!!!

  4. Oh~I've seen these shoes before (brown version), but I never knew they were from Kermit haha I like it!

    I like the meaning of the names~



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