Summer nights film festival

14 Aug 2012

Have you been to any outdoor film festivals and concerts this summer ? Summer has just been passing me by, jam packed sport events have kept me rooted to my seat -: Euro's football, Wimbledon, Olympic games and the appalling British summer weather, has hindered any sort of alfresco dining and entertainment.

Last Friday my sisters and I gathered a picnic hamper, a few nibbles, a cider or two, blankets and camping chairs and off we went to the summer night film screening at Calke Abbey country estate, as luck would have it, it didn't rain! the film 'the woman in black' commenced as soon as the light had faded sufficiently, the parkland under the stars looked a visual treat. 

My best outdoor experiences have not always been related to the food I've eaten, usually the location and company are the most important things, but great food obviously makes the experience better. What fun cultural things have you been squeezing in this summer?

Wouldn't you love to create something like the above in your very own backyard!?



  1. Love the idea of outdoor movie screenings, would be great to attend one. Glad to hear the weather didn't throw a spanner in the works. The English country house named 'calke abbey' reminds me of Downton Abbey :-)


  2. An outdoor movie night sounds fantastic! I need a night like that right about now. I wish I had the backyard space for it. I'm definitely keeping this idea in the back of my mind.


  3. I wish we had more outdoor music festivals around here, but we really don't have any -- not any good ones, at least. Too bad!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  4. All the time I wish I could watch outdoor movies. I love outdoor eating as long as I have something protecting me from the sun and rain. The weather is so unpredictable.

  5. Aww, I love all kinds of outdoor events... If it's warm and not raining but that rarely happens in the Netherlands (Dutch summer is probably just as bad as British summer...) And yes - I would definitely love to create an outdoor cinema in my backyard... *sigh*

    Love and have a great day, Mary ♡ Fashionbirds

  6. I've always wanted to go to an outdoor cinema, it must be absolutely magical! That last photo is so dreamy, how amazing would it be to have that available whenever you wanted it? Brilliant!



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