Thomas Sabo Jewellery – Create Your Own Unique Bracelet

13 Jun 2013

Having a unique look and eye for original clothing and accessories is something that sets you apart these days; something which is appreciated by companies such as Market Cross Jewellers. Being individual from the rest and standing out from the crowd is the modus operandi when it comes to style. Many designers and labels have recognised this and have started to branch out a little more when it comes to looks. No more do you have to stare at collections of plain and boring pieces, instead you are met with colourful, unique, pattern filled items that will clash and co-ordinate with the rest of your wardrobe. 

So how are brands venturing out into more unique designs? Well one name seems to be achieving it well and has quite a following when it comes to their popular collections. Thomas Sabo, a jewellery designer, produces bracelets and charms. The charms come in a vast array of different styles and types and can be bought and added to the brand’s starter bracelets. The concept it similar to Pandora and Chamilia who create empty bracelets and a selection charms which are added to them. This idea has proven popular with those looking for unique style and Thomas Sabo has become a popular choice for those looking originality.

Below are a few charms chosen from the Thomas Sabo charm club collection. Why not add some originality to your look with one of these unique charm bracelets.

Basically it works like this, you purchase a starter bracelet which is pretty basic and empty. You then choose from a wide range of charms and pick each one individually. These are then added to the starter bracelet, you can choose from as many as you like (make sure they fit on the bracelet of course). The concept of the item means that your design will be different from the rest, resulting in an original piece of jewellery. The perfect on trend accessory.

A sponsored post by Market Cross Jewellers


  1. Jadore! These are just adorable! I want the Converse ones. I'm glad you featured Thomas Sabo because I always walk past the new storefront whilst peering through the windows.


  2. ou very cute!

    - Janine

  3. I love unique pieces and adding charms to a bracelet is a great idea! I would put the guitar and the Converse ones because I want to learn how to play the guitar and Converse is my favorite shoe brand! haha

    Fashionably Sparkly



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