Cyber Tribes Bow Ties + Tattoos

6 Feb 2010


French Designer Baptiste Viry once again presents design prowess, with delightful quirky bow tie necklaces, pomped with part militaristic, part preppy. Viry uses gold and bronze metals against the luxury leathers in shades of brown, black and navy. 

Keep your eye on the Baptiste Viry website for more information on when this collection hits the stores.


Tattoos have never really appealed to me, the main reason as to why?.... is I can once in a while get turned off bored from an item I have purchased, I sit and have a look around me and often feel like practically changing the whole layout and decor constantly, I easily lose interest in something what a few weeks earlier I had liked. I like Change! Contentment is also the issue here and I am slowly learning how to be content.

Back to Tattoos it would be reckless of me, to have one! as I will completely hate it later on and would prefer to change it to another design or altogether would want to remove it. But I have to agree the tattoos above by Amanda Wachob are alluring creating beautiful abstract paint like tattoos, presenting a quite elegantly delicate look moving from cloth to skin as primary canvas. Wachob partners with Daredevil Tattoo in Manhattan's Lower East Side, which has flourished as one of the premier tattoo parlors since New York legalized tattooing in 1997.


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Created since 2010