Music Monday : Olympic Games 2012

30 Jul 2012

I think I'm in danger of succumbing to an Olympic overload, that was pretty much all I watched this weekend. I was speed gazing through 25 TV Olympic channels provided by the BBC, it is overwhelming to say the least, the unease started to creep in whether I overlooked an event or missed team GB and other favourite nations. I think this overwhelmed me more-so than the actual opening ceremony, even with the likes of Mr Bean, James Bond, Mary Poppins and 'you know who' making an appearance.

My Olympic OCD has since subsided just a tad! work eating showering netflix and walks to the park have taken care of it. Sharing a mix of uplifting tracks along with a genre of hiphop, indie and classic soundtracks.  

01 First Steps - Elbow 
02 Heart of Courage - Two Steps From Hell
03 Hall of Fame - The Script ft 
04 The Champ is Here - Jadakiss 
05 Moving Mountains - Two Steps From Hell
06 It's My Life - Bon Jovi 
07 The Fighter ft Ryan Tedder - Gym Class Heroes 
08 Time - Hans Zimmer
09 Hoppipolla - Sigur Rós
10 Pursuit of Glory - Jhameel Blue Satellite Mix 
11 Huddle Formation - The Go Team
12 Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve
13 The Winner is - Devotchka
14 Winner - Justin Timberlake ft TI 
15 We are the people - Empire of the Sun


Last week I was admittedly surprised to see this little blog featured on a list by IFB, titled Olympic Fever: 18 UK Blogs With Serious Style I very much appreciated the mention. Thank You ! this hyena was then able to hold up her tail and forward over the back, signalling animation!   

Hope you all had an enjoyable weekend whether action packed or kicking back ?!

Beat the London Olympic brand police

24 Jul 2012

As the final week countdown to the London 2012 Olympics is ticking down, the Olympic brand police will hit the streets out in full force! patrolling the areas outside and around the Olympic venue clamping down on any unauthorised use of words and images associated with the games.

Those fortunate to have London 2012 tickets have an exhaustive list of prohibited items to take into the stadium – enforcing sponsors' multimillion pound marketing deals. Pepsi t-shirts and wearing Nike footwear could get you banned, in order to protect official sponsors Coca-Cola and Adidas.

“The limitations on non-sponsors certainly are not helpful to local businesses hoping to capitalize on the Games,” says Jim Andrews, a senior vice president at IEG. But rules have been implemented “in the name of protecting the official sponsors,” he adds. “However, when they are perceived to be heavy-handed, they often backfire.” Other rules are created in the spirit of keeping the Games’ appearance non-commercial, “even though everyone knows that it is not the reality. It does set the Games apart from almost all other sports events, though, and does add to the Olympic mystique.”
Oversized hats 
Balls, rackets, frisbees
Large flags and banners
Clothing with political statements or commercial signage
Large golf-style umbrellas
Long-lens cameras and tripods
Excessive amounts of food
Liquids greater than 100ml

It's great to see some have taken a more creative and radical approach with bypassing the rules while some have created new rebellious campaigns mocking the brand police!

1. Banksy unveils new pieces commenting on the Olympics 

2. Witty souvenir tote bags designed by Hackney based illustrator Toby Leigh at

3.  House Cafe and Gallery, in Camberwell. 

4.  Illegal Olympic billboard spotted in Victoria Park London. 

For those tourists worried about travel and getting around London is a nifty search engine providing the fastest and cheapest connection for your journey. 

The Olympics, and indeed no sports events in modern times are just about sports, but seem to be sadly about corporate greed at its' finest . The sportsmen and women are becoming secondary at best. I wont let this dampen my enthusiasm for the games and the Olympic spirit, hopefully the same applies to you readers too!

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Created since 2010