Pamper or Prey : Curved Heel Shoe

31 Dec 2012


Saint Nicholas has probably put away his big red suit and black boots and decided to shave his beard and let Rudolph and the gang rein free, whilst making plans to lay on a beach to bask in the sun with his flip flops and sun hat on. He'll have no more mention of the 'C' word, until that time of year comes around once again!

Just how I'm feeling right now, that limbo land between the Holidays and New Year! Mind you.. sounds like I'm complaining, but I assure you, I'm feasting on copious amounts of leftovers, whilst wearing super cozy fleece pajamas and socks and watching movie marathons up to my eyeballs. My only course of action is scouring the sales online!      

Footwear and handbags are on my main agenda, I've had my eye on the Aldo Agreda shoe, which has that Walter Steiger's signature curve heel look. Good Luck scouring the SALES everyone!!  

Thank You for being a lurker, follower and a friend. See you all in 2013.

Love always,

Guilty Hyena xx 

Pamper or Prey ? Studded Glitter Sneaker

3 Jul 2012

I'm super thrilled to find the nearest thing to the Miu Miu glitter studded sneaker. This was just what I was howling out for and I've found my prey! So glitter-heads is it pamper or prey

All rights reserved © The Guilty Hyena + Taste is the enemy of creativeness +

Created since 2010