Ring Side Armor

9 Jul 2010

I feel like a child in a sweet shop or toy shop when I see this armor ring, mainly because this ring has a toy-like quirky demeanour, it would seem of late I really feel compelled towards quirky looking fun items, I was just saying the other day to my besties - "I think I'm having a quarter life crisis" haha my pearls have temporarily gone back to the draw for now! >>>These rings can only be purchased in Asia such as the Rowky Eshop. 

My first thought when seeing these T-Shirts that they're quite cleverly done - with the two gloved fists positioned on each arm, but what I liked most about it was the name given to the T-Shirts which are called "T-Shirt for Bullies". Instead of the T-Shirt providing a brutish hard look, alternatively it's more of a self defence stance, and so it should be! :) after-all any form of boxing, martial arts should always be a codified practise of self defence and self preservation of life...and hmmmm I think I've immersed myself with too much of Jackie Chan & Mr Miyagi style wisdom after watching the new Karate Kid last night!?! Which I didn't have much confidence for since the original Karate Kid is an ultra cult classic but I though the remake was still worth a watch. 
I can assume Males would need plenty of self- confidence to wear these T-shirts, but I don't think it should matter. The design of these T-Shirts have been created in the city of Moscow Russia by the name of Banzainer.  

* I'm particular looking forward to next week since I will be hosting my First Giveaway! to treat one you blog readers *

More info will be provided next week until then folks have a Enjoyable Weekend & THE World Cup Final this Weekend Good Luck Spain vs Holland...I'm just hoping for a thrilling final and a thrilling end to the World Cup in South Africa.

Much Love to you all ..................


  1. Quarter-life crisis haha I love that...the T-Shirt really stands out I agree that the name of the t-shirt is good!

    The Karate Kid is an all time classic Have A Good Week! Enjoy the football and look forward to the giveaway!


  2. those rings are freekin ammazingg.<3

  3. Cool mazinga ring!!


  4. Deviceful t-shirts from Moscow

  5. omg-I NEED that ring, the other ring and the bracelets the girl is wearing aren't bad either~

    And I like the thought behind the design of the "T-shirt for Bullies".

    And the finale for World Cup today :D
    Viva EspaƱa~~

  6. Hope you enjoyed the Finals! I, for one, was a bit bummed out. Can't wait to hear your thouhts about it :)

    BTW - Excited for your first giveaway! I'm sure it will be fabulous!

  7. that ring looks like a transformer. love. it. there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with having a crisis (especially one with themes of transformers).

  8. What an interesting looking ring! It's sure to be a conversation starter anywhere you go:-)

  9. Such an amazing ring my dear!



  10. Uh-mazing rings and accessories. wow. gotta follow your blog. and putting this on my blog roll. ;))

    Fashion Toy Gun

  11. I can't believe it, but this kid just copy+pasted your post: http://cherbins.blogspot.com/2010/07/mazinga-armor-ring.html
    She didn't even link back or at least mention your blog.
    I think that is really low... and thought you should know that.



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