Weekend Wayzgoose

20 Jul 2010

I was fish eyed in goggles gasping for air at times, yes I cant swim!! so off I went to the swimming baths last weekend, in those large chlorinated puddles. Until I got purple around the gills - Can I still Swim?! Nope  Decided to go and watch the movie Inception, and much like my swimming I will need a rerun of watching that movie again, did that spinning top fall?!? What I liked about Inception, is that it gets your mind thinking, it starts up discussions, it's one of those movies that everyone comes out of talking about, just because there's so much to talk about.
//Maradinn //betsy-van-langen
Cloud Umbrella
Much like these clouds above, it was a weekend full of dodging raindrops, still is in fact! But I think this cloud helps you put on a Happy Face! Though most umbrellas fly open with the push of a button, the Cloud Umbrella is inflates when you pump the handle. Created by Joon&Jung both, Joonsoo Kim and Jungyou Choi are from South Korea, who met in design academy Eindhoven.  Their backgrounds provide them with an edge to create adorable designs inspired by the everyday 


  1. Your swimming lessons sounds humorous :-) I dislike the chlorine, I watched Inception over the weekend too, and indeed I need to watch that over again, so many snippets and details, where to start.

    The cloud umbrella very unique design, I think I many want one seeing as it rains here often too.

  2. Kewl photo with the admit one cinema stub hat and bow-tie! Where do you find this stuff??

    What can I say about the Cloud umbrella, very inventive, needs to be a tad wider so the rain doesn't drop on our heads :)

  3. I always forget that not all countries children get swimming lessons in primary school.

    And it seems Inception is a great movie? I'll be watching it Thursday, it's not released here yet.

    And love the cloud umbrella, it's really cute, but does it also keep you dry ? XD

  4. @ Funny you should say that Anjj, our Primary school did have lessons an hour a week, for two months, but I can mostly remember singing and dancing splashing school rhymes, haha unless It was I that didn't pay any attention.

    honestly I wouldn't say Inception was great, too much of a headspin, but it gets you thinking. :)

    The umbrella would definitely seem like a cloud if rain is dripping from it, although I think it's at the prototype stage yet.

  5. Woah trust a Korean to come up with something like that! crazy cool

  6. Oh my goodness!! That cloud umbrella is so cute! But my question, does it actually function as an umbrella?? Or is it more like a statement piece?? Hmmmm...

  7. Those are so cute! But I hope they could keep me dry when it's pouring rain. It looks cute for when it sprinkles and I want to take photos.



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