Hyena Hair

3 Nov 2010


I'm sharing my recent hair cut with mental preparedness you could say I was reluctant , I had the hair chopped off after I unwittingly set fire to my hair~~I never realised hair could be so flammable! the hair was elbow length ~~!! Nevertheless I decided to go for the full bob, then make it shoulder length... And now I name it the Bumble Beee Bob. This is my first phase of colour, I will gradually whiten the colour at my next appointment at the hairdressers. Should I go as far to matching it with my bumble bee coloured socks? *=* I'm kidding I promise!   

The feathered cape, is one my favourite accessories but frankly I don't wear it often enough, but it fell off the tall high shelf whilst opening the closet and concluded it was a predetermined course. Half Bird/Half Bumble Bee. Should I have chirp chirped or made the Bzzzzzzz sound?!

The left side of my hair with the natural colour, I kept this side subtle. I'm gonna miss tying my hair in a bun though, but it will grow quick as it usually does.


  1. *exciting* Kewl HAIR! SO very you!! you've finally posted some more pics of yourself bumble bee/hyena.

    L.O.V.E the cape with grey silver feathers :)

    you really should post some more photo's, even though I know your introvert when it comes to being in front of the camera.

  2. Hey cool hair, I like it! I didn't know hair was flammable either... good to know now.

  3. Funkee hair! very much like your blog :}

  4. Weee, that is one awesome haircut! You have guts :D Seriously loving it, but please...no bumblebee socks .__. haha
    I see you managed to make something good out of your burned hair :)

  5. Of course hair is flammable! Isn't that how Michael Jackson got addicted to pain meds? His hair caught on fire and burned his scalp! The addiction to pain meds started then :o/ But I digress, love that you take risks with your hair! Can't believe your hair was elbow length and that you cut it all off to a bob! You crazy girl! But that's what I ♥ about you!

  6. Your hair reminds me of NICKI MINAJ! looks awesome I wish I had the guts!

  7. Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - You re the Queen BEE!

  8. Buzzzzzzzzzz - You re Queen BEE !



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