Do you hate the word Fashion?

26 Aug 2011

Sometimes I feel the word 'FASHION' is made-up of a flammable orb, that ignites our world's diva complex. I never feel comfortable describing this blog.. as a fashion blog, the word itself seems to resonate negative associations, conjuring up images of the fickle nature of celebrity culture, materialistic snootish air, bullshit media correspondents. But I profess, the description of this blog is not important, Why? because it really doesn't matter in the large scheme of things, I shouldn't have a problem with the word 'FASHION' but with it's associations that comes along with the word.

It doesn't help when I see fashion slang used as the ones in the illustration below, I have to develop a more thicker skin but I will always dislike with a passion 'worst dressed' 'hot or not' and articles of what not to wear, I will never understand conformism, I please myself to wear whatever I want,  but I'm not one for dismissing something for being popular either. Thus I'm gonna end this friday's post with a smile that is a curve that sets everything straight. { forgive me for that usage, I only heard it today :-) 

Can you think of anymore undermining fashion lingo?  


  1. I feel a similar sentiment to the term Fashion, Although I love shopping clothes shoe etc, I hate the world of fashion and the snippy jibes at how woman dress.

    Fashion has no time it's style that's timeless.

    Sheena x

  2. ahaha I feel you on this issue darling!! xoxo

  3. I LOATHE that sort of fashion treatment!

    I remember going to a dinner party with a few socialite fashionsitas & one woman said 'I used to have that coat, but then I got a job'. There's always that minority that ruin it for the pleasant natured people in the fashion industry.

  4. Fashion has become more about socio-economic status than creativity these days. It's sad, but true. But I love your blog because it explores "fringe fashion" - the stuff that most conformists...ummm...I mean fashionistas are too scared to wear :)

  5. Let me start by saying I hate the word fashion, mainly because it's too general and people use the word very loosely. I'm not a fan of the millions of otherwise savvy women who are suckered into making themselves feel insecure due to what popular fashion says.

  6. fashion, i just think of vogue and expensive clothing and top shop lol XD

  7. fashion can be so general but i still heart it! enter my giveaway!!

  8. Maybe you may want to get a facebook button to your blog. I just marked down the site, although I had to make it by hand. Just my suggestion.

    My blog:
    Rachat de credit

  9. Fashion and calling yourself a fashionista is so lame now. I hate when people say I look so fashion. Also using the word "trendy" makes my skin crawl. I try to keep to what I like because whatever is popular today by next week people won't care.

  10. thanks for the compliment ^^ i'm still getting used to waking up and not having to fight with the hairbrush XD

  11. SPOT ON! Hear hear Hyena : )



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