The prairie blows the grasses

9 Sept 2010

Hiatus Over! Okay so I've been slacking off with updating this blog, I was swamped with work and travel, I wish I could say I had a thrilling hiatus- but NO such thing. The warm months of England or shall I say a warm month went by breakneck speed, and visiting the high street today in the city of Leicester, it was obvious to see the season of autumn clothes are ripe for us to pick and ready to wear off the racks. I'm not sure whether I'm ready for the morning dewy lanes just yet, but hopefully it will be a September to remember. Since my Grandmother will be coming over to stay in England with us for only the second time. I don't have the words or the vocab to describe how precious my grandmother is, her youthful grace and legendary wisdom is just one of life's richest treasure's.
[My Amigo]
I don't think I've ever shared my fondness for animals of all kinds, even though August was a hectic month, what with my sister moving homes, barbecues, birthday's including my own, visits to the national parks and carnivals in between. But recalling back to this, what I most relished, was visiting the near by canals and stable a skips away from where I live and spending time with the horses grazing on the farm. The horse above shown in the first photo, looking as if I'm about to stroke it's eye (I promise no harm was done!) has got to be one of the most approachable charismatic horses I have ever met. Sadly I don't know it's name as of yet, so I just call it my Amigo (friend). Secretly I think this horse is only curious about my hat-attire haha whenever I come to visit. Makes me wonder whether I should take up lessons for horse riding, but I don't think I've ever had good poise and balance and sturdy thigh muscles. I think I'll just stick to updating this blog for now. Yeh I'll be glad to start posting again sharing my quirky eye candy and visiting some of my favourite blogs again.
my two rocks (sisters)

Notting Hill London Carnival

myself hyena trying to pack lightly over August Travels 

Much Love to you all...........


  1. such a beautiful horse you're lucky you live near the stables

    - kewl hat btw! :]

    Luv Mia

  2. Glad to see your back from your Hiatus! yaow what a beautiful horse, I'm fond of animals myself.

    Liking the hat-wear Tee and Backpack. Perfect companions for summer, and of course a horse. You're sisters look lovely!


    Micca x

  3. Cool pictures, I like your hat just as much as the horse does :D
    And happy -late- birthdayy :)

  4. Your horse is lovely. I wish I could have one. That hat looks good on you also.

  5. I've been wishy-washy with my own blog too! Not sure what happened, but the last weeks of summer were just intense...all good things though! Slowly working my way back to posting regularly :) You and the sis look great, as always!! Glad you enjoyed the last of your summer, but I'm also selfishly glad you're back!

  6. @ Anna G its not my Horse! I wish! :))

  7. I've been wanting to take horse riding lessons too! Or at least just try out a trail :P



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